The story of urban reform in Canada can be understood in terms of waves. Vancouver history can be better understood through this analysis.
The story of urban reform in Canada can be understood in terms of waves. Vancouver history can be better understood through this analysis.
Brexit, Canada and the American Revolution
The story of urban reform in Canada can be understood in terms of waves. Vancouver history can be better understood through this analysis.
History of British Columbia Cities: Three Waves of Urban Reform
The Municipal Reform Act of 1835 initiated by Earl Grey brought cities in the UK into the modern world. This reform wave hit Canada in the form of the Baldwin Act of 1849 which set the standard for all Canadian cities.
History of British Columbia Cities: First Wave Urban Reform
The Progressive Movement arose in the late 1800s in the US. It was a reaction against the corruption and incompetence that came out of earlier democratic reforms. Science, technology and professionals were revolutionizing life; people were hopeful about applying these to civic government.
History of British Columbia Cities: Second Wave Urban Reform
The emphasis on technology and professionals arising out of the Second Wave of urban reform was not the panacea we had hoped for. Citizen groups pushed back against experts in Canada’s Third Wave of urban reform.